Chapter 2: What is Neurodiversity? | Section 7: Expert Testimonials
Helen founded Me.Decoded as an online platform that brings together the neurodivergent who are willing to
share insights into themselves along with advocates and allies who can help change things from the inside out:
Which workplace obstacles prevent neurodiverse individuals from thriving?
Obstacles faced by the neurodivergent often start before they reach the workplace. It begins with the way in which jobs are advertised and how potential candidates are assessed for open roles. Within the workplace, obstacles can include a lack of access to assistive technology, sensory overwhelming environments, a one size-fits-all approach to management and performance reviews, and a lack of willingness to consider.
How can workplace designers enhance the efforts of organizations to ensure that their culture, operations and space contribute to the success of neurodiverse employees?
Highlight the benefits of neurodivergent thinking and how changes to support the neurodivergent will benefit everyone. Encourage them to involve the neurodivergent in the design process, so that together they can identify what is needed to ensure the success of the neurodivergent. Neurodiversity needs to be bought in at all levels. Having corporate strategies for neurodiversity won’t bring about change if managers don’t embrace an inclusive approach within their teams. Encouraging a neurodiversity inclusive culture is essential. We want managers and teams to actively strive to understand and agree on what is needed to ensure that team members have what they need to succeed. It shouldn’t be a one-off exercise, as needs may change over time and new neurodivergent employees may have needs that weren’t previously considered.
Chapter 2: What is Neurodiversity? | Section 7: Expert Testimonials
Chapter 2: What is Neurodiversity? |
Section 7: Expert Testimonials
Helen founded Me.Decoded as an online platform that brings together the neurodivergent who are willing to
share insights into themselves along with advocates and allies who can help change things from the inside out:
Which workplace obstacles prevent neurodiverse individuals from thriving?
Obstacles faced by the neurodivergent often start before they reach the workplace. It begins with the way in which jobs are advertised and how potential candidates are assessed for open roles. Within the workplace, obstacles can include a lack of access to assistive technology, sensory overwhelming environments, a one size-fits-all approach to management and performance reviews, and a lack of willingness to consider.
How can workplace designers enhance the efforts of organizations to ensure that their culture, operations and space contribute to the success of neurodiverse employees?
Highlight the benefits of neurodivergent thinking and how changes to support the neurodivergent will benefit everyone. Encourage them to involve the neurodivergent in the design process, so that together they can identify what is needed to ensure the success of the neurodivergent. Neurodiversity needs to be bought in at all levels. Having corporate strategies for neurodiversity won’t bring about change if managers don’t embrace an inclusive approach within their teams. Encouraging a neurodiversity inclusive culture is essential. We want managers and teams to actively strive to understand and agree on what is needed to ensure that team members have what they need to succeed. It shouldn’t be a one-off exercise, as needs may change over time and new neurodivergent employees may have needs that weren’t previously considered.